The reality is that if someone ‘really’ wants to break into your house then they will most likely find a way. But for most domestic burglaries, adding levels and layers of ‘annoyance’ is going to deter an average break in.
The more layers you can add to your security, the more likely a burglar will think twice before choosing your home to break in.
SBD windows
Install Secured by Design accredited windows, especially on the ground floor (see below).
Cost level ****
SBD door
Install Secured by Design accredited doors (see below).
Cost level ****
Fake burglar alarm wall-mounted box
Installing a fake alarm box is almost indiscernible to a full security system so can be highly effective to deter a burglar from scoping your property.
Cost level *
A spyhole and door chain
Should be standard practice for any front door, especially for elderly or vulnerable people. And, don’t forget to always use the chain.
Cost level *
Gravel around the house
Noise is a great deterrent for a burglar. Gravel makes plenty of crunches and can alert someone inside to anyone snooping around their property, especially at night. Turning on your lights might be enough to chase an intruder away.
Cost level ***
Internal lights on timers
An empty house can be a target for a break in so if you are away, a simple light timer can give the illusion that someone is home. Also, asking a neighbour to park their car on your drive can be a simple deterrent.
Cost level *
Motion-sensor lighting
The majority of burglaries happen in the dark. Shine a light on anyone who is lurking around your home and it makes it far more difficult for them to attempt a break in.
Cost level ***
Prickly bushes under the windows
Making life as difficult for a break in as possible can be enough to make sure your home is passed over by an intruder. Restricting access to your windows with prickly bushes that make it very difficult to get access to the window can be a huge deterrent.
Cost level **
Trim hedges
Burglars love secluded areas for privacy to work. Make sure that any hedges or fences are not too high and that the front of your home can be seen from the road or by a neighbour.
Cost level *
Lock gates
It might seem obvious, but it’s often the small things we overlook. Putting locks on side or back gates is another level of restriction.
Cost level *
Lock up your tools and ladders
Most burglars don’t carry tools to avoid looking suspicious or in case they are stopped by the police. Instead, they will break into garages and sheds to use whatever they can find lying around. Crowbars and tools, ladders and steps should all be locked away and not left lying around.
Cost level *
Secure the garage and sheds
Make sure your garages and sheds have the same level of security that the house does. As we mentioned above, burglars target sheds to find tools or ladders they can use to get into the house.
Cost level **