White uPVC Windows

White uPVC Window

White uPVC Windows

The most popular colour for windows

  • Designed, manufactured & installed
  • Made-to-measure, with a range of options
  • Market-leading energy-efficiency & security
  • Built to last with long-lasting guarantees

White uPVC Window Choice of Styles

Casement windows

Casement windows →

  • Natural-looking woodgrain
  • Bespoke traditional & contemporary
  • Our most popular choice

Sash windows

Sash windows →

  • Practical & stylish
  • Wide range of colours & woodgrain finishes
  • Easy to maintain

Tilt & Turn windows

Tilt & Turn windows →

  • Ideal for contemporary properties
  • Naturally strong & durable
  • Easy to maintain

Why choose white windows?

White is a classic and neutral colour that suits all styles of properties and colours of brick and stone. White looks especially crisp against the strong colour of red brick.

Far from being outdated, white is still the most popular colour for double glazing windows. Across all of our range, nearly three-quarters of our customers opt for white window frames with uPVC being the most popular choice.

We also offer white aluminium and white timber windows.

White uPVC window ideas

A selection of white uPVC windows to give you inspiration and ideas for your home.

High-quality Windows, guaranteed

  • 20 year guarantee against fog & condensation between panes
  • 20 year guarantee against discolouration of white uPVC
  • Low maintenance uPVC will never rot, rust or flake

Everest Guarantees

White uPVC window
Case Study

White uPVC Windows

5 star rating 5 out of 5 on TrustPilot

It's so nice to find that the house is already warm when you get up for work at silly o'clock! I used to have to put the heating on to heat the house just for me but that's a thing of the past. Mr W, Hertfordshire

View Case Studies

Everest Window Reviews


  • +
    How much do new windows cost?

    The cost of new windows depends on a variety of factors, such as style, materials, size and complications with installation.

    We don't offer off-the-shelf stock sizes of windows as all of our products are bespoke to your needs and made-to-measure.

    For these reasons, we don't offer a price list.

    You can read more in our guide that contains industry standard costs for windows, How much do new windows cost?

  • +
    What other window colours are available?

    At Everest, we offer a full range of colours and natural woodgrain finishes across all of our window ranges.

    From popular white, to Chartwell green and the modern anthracite grey or black windows.

    We can even produce windows that have one colour on the outside and another on the inside to match your interior/exterior.

    See our full range of Everest window colours.

  • +
    What colour of door goes with white windows?

    If you have white windows, you have a lot of options as white is versatile for matching a door colour.

    When choosing a door, it's important to consider the style and age of the property to ensure you don't match a fashion colour with a classic traditional property.

    Most colours of door will complement the white window frames.

Start Your Project Today...

Book your free quotation appointment with one of our local expert consultants who will:

  • Provide an accurate, no-obligation quote
  • Offer ideas and practical solutions
  • Show you samples of our products
  • Take all necessary measurements

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